Microsoft® Excel® Training Seminar


If you use Excel® on a regular basis, this seminar is for you. Whether you know the basics of Excel® or have been using it for a while, you’ll learn about powerful features and shortcuts that can have a dramatic impact on your productivity. These training sessions are ideal for people who:

  • Wish to improve their Excel  skills for everyday tasks
  • Don’t  have time to figure out Excel’s features on their own
  • Want to refresh their memory on some of Excel’s powerful features
  • Want to learn keyboard shortcuts to do Excel tasks faster
  • Realize that there is more to Excel than what they know

With so much to learn we’ve broken the training down into two 6 hr. days. See what you’ll walk away with from each day.

January 14, 2014:

How to create a custom toolbar to access frequently used features

Keyboard shortcuts to handle various functions including:

    • Insert, delete, and hide
    • Anchor cells
    • Navigate spreadsheets
    • And more

How to quickly copy formulas

How to get a sum, average, count, maximum or minimum for a range of numbers without a formula

Copy formulas easily and quickly

Print and copy techniques

Ease of use and appearance

Create roll-up summary worksheet once

Create a budget template from existing spreadsheet

Click here for the Seminar Detail Sheet

January 17, 2014:

Work more effectively with formulas to make decisions

Prevent input errors

Separate or combine text

Analyze data with subtotals, filtering and advanced filtering

All about pivot tables and charts

Consolidate information

Protect and share workbooks

Create and display various scenarios and their effect on the bottom line

Click here for the Seminar Detail Sheet